Weekly Weigh-In: No Change

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I'm not ready to admit my weight loss hit another plateau...not with the empty wine bottles in my trash can. So this week, no alcohol to jump start the scale.

I’m not ready to admit my weight loss hit another plateau…not with the empty wine bottles in my trash can. So this week, no alcohol to jump-start the scale.

No change on the scale this week, but I’m confident I’m not stuck in a plateau. Why? Wine! During the week I enjoyed vino 3 times. I’m doing everything right to get into ketosis, except for the wine. So wine is off the menu for the week.

If the scale is still stuck at 187, then I’ll need to go into some plateau busting moves, like adding a very high carb day, upping my workout (I’ve slacked off a bit) and staying more active all day.

Packing More Action In My Day
Actually, I’ve already started the “staying more active all day” bit. Lately I’ve been a bit of a slug. Sure I do my scheduled exercise – primarily long walks and running. But once I’m home I park myself on a comfy chair or exercise ball and start researching, writing or watching those blasted cat videos. Not great.

Now I’m looking to cut my sitting time. I’m trying to do more errands on foot, like mailing a letter or picking up a few items at the grocery or pet stores. This morning I set out on foot to my dentist for a cleaning.

After today’s run, I’m working on an ailing cucumber plant, repotting my squash and cleaning the bathrooms.

Other Measures Of Success
Other than the scale, everything is going great with my higher fat intake. I’ve got more energy, don’t feel hungry, my clothes feel looser, and I feel happier.

I don’t know if that last one has anything to do with my recent switch to eating more fat, but I’ll take it.

One thought on “Weekly Weigh-In: No Change

  1. Pingback: Weekly Weigh-In: Weight Loss, Wine & July 4th Food Musings | Dot to Trot

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