Reclaiming My Active Life

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crossing finish line 2015

A heavier me in 2014 crossing the finish line of my last 5k race. Time to start running again.

While I got the all clear from my oncologist to start working out a few weeks ago, I’ve really been slow to start and I think that’s a good thing. Between the surgery and radiation treatments, fatigue kicked my butt for a while. But now my energy level is off the charts and it’s time to start easing my way back into my active lifestyle.

Starting Strength Training
Last week I worked out with the free weights at the local gym. Since I’m still healing from the surgery, I’m trying to avoid pulling or tearing anything around my abs. I’m lifting lighter weights and limiting myself to two 30-minute sessions a week.

Weight lifting is even more important now since my hysterectomy. Weight lifting is a great way to reduce muscle loss and ward off osteoporosis.

The nice thing is my husband is training with me – it’s always good to have a spotter!

Of course this means I’m looking for an awesome strength training app. Why use pen and paper when an app will do?

Shooting For Disney Races
Maybe 2017 is the year I can cross the runDisney 5k and 10k races off my healthy bucket list.

After a lot of starts and stops, I’m finally committed to achieving my running goals. This morning I ran for the first time in months. It was glorious. I’m starting with basics – interval training. I’m following the Runner’s World beginner program over the next 10 weeks. I didn’t do too bad today, only feeling a little winded during my last interval.

Obviously I’m not looking to set the land speed record. With 3 runs a week, I’m more turtle than hare right now.

Depending on how the training goes, I might be able to try a untimed 10k before the end of the year. At the very least I can do some of the upcoming holiday 5k races as I build up my strength and endurance.


We moved our bikes from the shed to the living room this summer as encouragement to hit the trail. Thankfully I now have the all clear from my doctor to ride.

Just For Fun
The husband and I are also planning some fun biking outings too. This summer we moved the bikes out of the shed and into our living room because we were going out nearly everyday before my surgery. While I’m limiting myself to just weekend cycling (don’t want to over do it), we hope we can put some miles on these puppies before the weather turns.

With the cycling it’s solely for fun and sight-seeing. I’d love for us to hit the Mount Vernon bike path, but I think I’ve got to get my sea legs back before trying that one.

I’m sure the above sounds like a lot, but each activities add up to 30 minutes a day. For someone who worked out 2-3 hours a day (yes, a day), that’s taking it easy.

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