Building My (Sort of) Keto Garden

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The start of my seed collection with more on the way. Yes, I’m out of control.

Since the Winter Solstice, there’s an excitement building in me. The days are growing longer. Which means gardening season is right around the corner. Last year I really didn’t plan my garden. It was very willy-nilly.

Well this year the garden will have more structure and focus on growing (mostly) keto friendly vegetables and fruits. And I’ve even set a few goals for myself.

1. Have fun
The fun part is easy. From perusing the seed catalogs to building raised beds to starting seeds early, I love it all.  But will I feel the same when things don’t go right? I killed a few plants last year and I know I’ll kill more this year. But I’m learning from my mistakes. I just have to keep in mind that gardening is more about the process than the results.

2. Grow what I enjoy eating
Growing what I like to eat is just common sense. But last year I grew not one but two eggplants and quickly discovered that while I’ll eat eggplant, I don’t love it. So I’m really zeroing on those fruits and vegetables I use in cooking. Of course that means I need more recipes.

grow stand

My grow “room.” One shelf for germination/small seedlings and a second for larger seedlings. I’m also wrapping 3 sides in a Mylar blanket to capture more light.

3. Don’t eat everything I’m growing
Most of the fruit and vegetables I’m growing are ketogenic, but not everything I’m growing is considered keto. Some items are better with a low carb diet, like carrots, beets and snow peas.

Then there are the potatoes.

Yes, I’m growing potatoes – Yukon Gold and Pontiac Reds. I’m growing potatoes to see if I can grow them. Remember, one of my goals is to have fun. Growing something like potatoes just sounds cool.

When I switch from carnivore to keto, I plant to stay below 20g of net carbs a day. Other than the potatoes, I can stay within my daily limit with everything I’m growing. I just need to measure and track my carbs. So some days I’ll have a ¼ cup of steamed rainbow carrots (2g of carbs) or ½ cup of roasted diced Detroit Dark Red beets (4.5g) with my rib-eye steak.

“What about those high-carb potatoes, Dot?”


An unseasonable warm winter is causing too much growth with my garlic. I have no idea what I’ll find inside come June.

I have a plan…just don’t tell my husband. The bulk of the potatoes will go to my sister. And yes, if I’m growing it, I’m going to sample. Besides the harvest, it’s the only other way to see if I got it right. Maybe I’ll try a small baked potato or make a mash. But it’s just for one meal followed immediately with a 24-hour fast.

Whether I’m thinking about my garden or doing the physical work, I feel happy and completely relaxed. It’s just an awesome hobby that boosts my mood. And, when it comes to losing weight, gardening keeps me too busy to think about food. Bonus!

What hobby do you turn to that takes away your stress? Does it keep you so engaged that you forget to eat? Write them in the comments below and let me know.

4 thoughts on “Building My (Sort of) Keto Garden

  1. Margaret Norton

    Try sneaking a few new potatoes. You harvest them 2-3 weeks after the plants quit flowering. You can just pull back some of the soil, grab a few of those babies, and cover the rest up again to harvest at the regular time. The babies are small (and therefore less of a dent in your carb quota), and they are so creamy and good!

  2. Mary Rogozinski

    It has been proven that working with soil and bare hands exposes you to microbes in the soil that do act as a stress reliever. Keep up the good gardening work and not only enjoy the fruits, or in this case vegetables of your labor, but also reap the rewards of stress management. I, too, garden with veggies and now have planted a mini fruit garden of trees in my back yard, just to see if I can do it and also can use the shade. Trees thus far are persimmon, plum loquat, pomegranate, mission fig, anna apple, peach, pear and even green and red grapes. Blueberries, blackberries, beets, carrots, onions (150 plants of walla walla onions), parsnips, radishes, garlic also growing along with a seeded pit from an avocado x 2 in a pot. I even have sprouted a seed from a grapefruit in a pot bought from the grocery store. I am developing quite a green thumb. As far as hobbies go, I cross stitch ALOT. I have to, I have a backlog of stitching projects that’s embarrassing and need to catch up on them. Keep up the good work Dot, and let us know your progress on the veggies. Photos please. Thank you.

  3. Elaine

    Hey Dot. One of my favorite Vloggers (other than you) is Petra at Fruition Seeds.
    She shares a lot of good information & her videos on YouTube are beautiful as well as informative.
    I think you would enjoy her. If you want to dream of gardens in winter check her out.

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