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My Weight Watchers Presentation Ignites Passion To Help Others

Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici and

My Weight Watchers talk last Saturday went great, but something unexpected happened.  It sparked a passion inside of me — helping others take control of their weight loss journey. I absolutely loved sharing the hard lessons I learned over the last two years. The question is, what to do with that passion?

How Did My Speech Go?
Initially, I thought I’d have 5 minutes to recount the lessons learned over the last 2 years. Turns out our leader turned the whole meeting over to me — 60 minutes — to tell my story. I had no problem filling in the details of my outline.  The entire experience lasted 90 minutes — 30 for my presentation, 30 for Q&A, and another 30 for post-meeting questions.

Because it’s the beginning of the year and all that entails (New Year’s resolutions, Weight Watchers membership deals), it was a packed house.

I came with a ‘before’ photo and kept my iPad handy so I could refer to my notes. Surprise surprise, but I didn’t even need the notes. I felt very much at ease in recounting my tale, warts and all.

There were great exchanges during the Q&A period. I’ll posting the questions and my answers in the coming days.

Back to the presentation: there was one question I wish I’d answered differently. Someone asked if I had children. “No, I have a husband,” was my retort. That got a lot of laughs but clearly it was hard for her to relate to my weight loss journey….I mean, I did quit my job to get healthy.

After the meeting (it’s always after!) I realized I should have told her it didn’t matter whether I had kids. If she really wanted to lose weight, then nothing would stop her from doing it. In hindsight I wished I’d followed up with something like:

“I’ve been a Weight Watchers member on and off for 25 years. I use to say things like ‘Yeah, but my job…’ or ‘yeah, but my family…’ Now, I understand those were just excuses because I was afraid of failure. The only thing stopping me from losing weight was me. Kids or no kids, job or no job. I had that epiphany too late in that my health got so bad I had to quit my job.”

Sigh…hindsight is truly 20/20. Well, that’s how you learn. Something to tuck away until next time.

Other than that, I really feel the presentation went well. The response was overwhelmingly positive. A few ladies told me they really liked how I ended it: by stressing the idea of putting your own health first.

New Found Passion
I loved the opportunity to talk at my Weight Watchers meeting and I’d love the opportunity to speak with other groups in the future. The presentation really stirred something in me (and not because I got to talk about myself). The passion to help others with their weight loss started about the time I began this blog. The presentation kicked that passion it into high gear.

This week I’ve found myself looking at nutrition courses at the local college and the criteria to become a personal trainer. Hmmmm….I’m not sure the world is ready for that!

I really love marketing. But the thought of doing the same-old-same-old isn’t appealing. That’s the old me…the fat me.

Maybe this is my midlife crisis. If so, then “woo hoo!” for midlife crises.

Whatever it is, there’s no denying the idea of helping others on their weight loss journey has stirred a passion in me that I haven’t felt in a long time.

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