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Cutting Dairy, Fasting Lead to 5+ Lbs. Drop

After my post-Thanksgiving weight gain, I got back to the basics that helped me lose 140 lbs. Plus cutting back on dairy and some needed fasting improved not just the number on the scale, but my energy level and mental clarity.

By the time my 2 Thanksgivings (with lots of wine)  ended, I gained 4 pounds. Ugh! When I stepped on the scale November 28, I temporarily left the 180s, weighing in at 193.2 lbs.

Oh hell no!

Since then I’ve redoubled efforts on my healthy eating habits – menu planning, eating only when hungry, chopping and prepping the meals in advance, minimizing eating out, and tracking everything I eat. Oh and drinking water…lots of water.

Yep, I got back to basics.

I also went beyond the basics. My decaf coffee consumption is down to 2 cups a day, which means less heavy cream. I’ve gone from 1-1/2 tablespoons of cream to 2 teaspoons a day. I also cut back on cheese. Instead of the 2-4 ounces a day, I’m now eating 2-3 ounces in a week.

Plus I’ve completed 2 24-hour fasts last week. Not too shabby.

The result? I’m back in the 180s, losing 5.6 lbs. I’m a couple of pound shy of my 2015 low of 185 lbs. and hopeful by year’s end I’ll be even closer to the 170s.

Simply being more mindful of what I’m eating could have lead to the weight loss. But with the the changes in my dairy intake and the 2 fasts, I feel like I’m finally tackling my insulin resistance, which is what caused my weight gain.

Besides the awesome weight loss, I found that I didn’t miss the dairy; the fasting was a lot easier than I expected; and I have more energy than I’ve experienced in months.

Everything clicked with me this week.

While I know longer set weight loss goals with a deadline, I’m setting my sights on dipping below 185 lbs. by year’s end. I just need to keep doing what I’m doing.

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