Am I Eating Too Much Protein?

I decided to investigate if I'm overdoing it on the protein front. Turns out my body is much smarter than I realized. Image courtesy of amenic 181 and

I decided to investigate if I’m overdoing it on the protein front. Turns out my body is much smarter than I realized. Image courtesy of amenic 181 and

Last night I started reviewing my food logs in My Fitness Pal and noticed that my diet breaks down as 10% carbs, 30% protein and 60% fat. I’m eating low-carb, so that means my fat intake goes up to compensate for my cut in carbohydrates. That got me wondering if I’m eating too much or too little protein.

My diet is low-carb, high fat (LCHF). I’m averaging about 115g of protein a day. That daily average dipped in March (83g/day) but that’s mostly due to illness. Strangely, now that I feel better, my protein intake hasn’t bounced back up to 115g. As a result, I’m feeling hungry late at night and tired in the afternoons. Suspecting lack of protein was the culprit, I deal with my hunger by whipping up some late night scrambled eggs with hot sauce — yum!

Clearly, eating 115g of protein a day helps with the hunger. But is 115g a day the right amount of protein?

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