Nutrition Science: Follow The Money


For 50 years the sugar industry quietly funded nutrition research to shift the blame of our health ills on saturated fat.

This must read article shows how nutrition science is corrupt. For the last 50 years, the sugar industry funded a lot of nutrition studies that shaped the US dietary guidelines. And what a surprise, those studies shifted the blame for heart disease and obesity on dietary fat and continue to push the myth of eat less, move more.

Thanks to that very flawed research, as well as the stupidity of politicians and bureaucrats, the US government set us on a course in the 1970s where sugar and added sugars became a staple in our diet and healthy fats were drastically reduced.

As Senator George McGovern told doctors, who were warning against implementing the low-fat/high carb (& sugar) guidelines without further research, “Senators don’t have the luxury that the research scientist does of waiting until every last shred of evidence is in.”

So Washington turned us into lab rats. The results? We got fatter and sicker over the last 40 years. Read More