Peekabu Challenge: Meet My New Diet Buddy!

Meet my new diet buddy -- Peekabu, my chunkie Old English Sheep Dog.

Meet my new diet buddy — Peekabu, my chunky big-boned Old English Sheepdog.

Peekabu, my Old English Sheepdog, weighs 100 pounds and she’s s a bit of a chunk. She even has her own theme song. Yep, she’s mighty mighty just lettin’ it all hang out!

She’s had one too many Frosty Paws and is starting to pay the price with her girlish figure. Our vet told us she needs to drop 15 pounds. But she loves to eat. After clearing her bowl, she always tries to push our Mini Schnauzer out-of-the-way to get to his food.

She even tried that with the cat once…once.

Yep, she is one hungry girl!

Peekabu’s weight is my fault. After all she’s not the one controlling her portions, sneaking into the freezer to grab a frozen soy treat, or cracking open that box of MilkBones. Nope, that’s on me and the hubby. We love our dogs, but we don’t have to show our love via food.

Peekie’s food needs to be measured. She can’t have treats when the mood strikes. Her kibble needs to be nutritionally balanced. And she needs to workout everyday. It’s time to introduce some discipline into her diet.

Peekabu weighed in this weekend. She's down a few pounds from her high of 100 lbs. This week her new diet starts up.

Peekabu weighed in this weekend. She’s down a few pounds from her high of 100 lbs. This week her new diet starts up.

Meet My New Diet Buddy!
So I’ve decided to make Peekabu my new diet buddy.

Diet buddies are invaluable in helping you lose weight. Your buddy is the person that can talk you down from cravings, get you off your duff to hit the gym and holds you accountable for every bite you take.

I have great diet buddies who’ve helped me along with my journey. Now it’s time for me to do the same for Peekabu.

We’re in this together. By eating right, watching portions and exercising, she’ll get into shape in no time. Not only will I have a healthier and happier pup, but my work with her will reinforce my own good eating and workout habits. Awesome!

This week I’m introducing a new, healthier dog food into her diet. We’ll see how that goes tomorrow. Hopefully she’ll actually enjoy the new kibble. Yes, we’ve run into kibble that even this chow hound won’t touch.

Peekabu wants to keep you updated on her progress with weekly posts on Dot2Trot. She’s committed to getting healthy and knows that accountability plays a big part in staying the course. She’s practicing with my husband’s laptop. After all keyboards can be tricky for doggies.