The Peekabu Challenge, Part 2: Giving Nutrish Zero Grain A Shot!

Peekabu's new, healthy food: I picked up a few samples of Rachael Ray's Nutrish at FitBloggin. Peekie loves it. We start moving her off her current kibble to Nutrish Zero Grain this week.

Peekabu’s new, healthy food: I picked up a few samples of Rachael Ray’s Nutrish at FitBloggin. Peekie loves it. We start moving her off her current kibble to Nutrish Zero Grain tomorrow.

I’ve picked the new kibble for my diet buddy, Peekabu. Over the next week, I’m moving Peekie from her current kibble to Rachael Ray’s Nutrish Zero Grain.

Dog Food Advisor gave it 4 stars and I’ve read good reviews online. Plus I love that it has zero grains! Grains equals carbs, and that packs on the pounds.

Lucky for me Rachael Ray’s Nutrish line was a sponsor at FitBloggin. I stopped by the booth and picked up a few sample bags. The perfect size to see if Peekabu would eat it without the cost of buying a big bag first. She maybe a chow hound, but is picky about her kibble.

Turns out, she loves it. She tried to grab the bag out of my hand before I pulled out a few pieces as a treat.

My Dog Is Going Low-Carb
Like me, Peekabu is going low-carb in her quest to lose 15 pounds.

Granted the veggies used in Nutrish are high in carbs, but they are healthy veggies like sweet potatoes and peas.  We’d have to move her to a raw diet to get a true low-carb diet like the dogs of yore. But that’s a little too expensive for us.

She’s a dry kibble girl and I just need her to eat healthy. So Nutrish it is!

I’m picking up a bag today. Tomorrow I’ll start mixing her current kibble with the Nutrish for the next 7-10 days. After that she’ll be switched over. The good news with the switch is that she’ll actually eat less food than she is now.

Using Dog Food Advisor’s dog food calculator (FYI: takes time to load), she just needs 3.5 cups/day of Nutrish to maintain a healthy weight of 85 pounds. With her current food, she eats about 4.5 cups/day. So not only will she eat less, stay full longer and slim down, but I’ll save on buying dog food. Sweet!

Healthy and economical…mama likes!