Weekly Weigh-In: Dot In Onederland

Oh, what a beautiful sight! I was so excited this morning that I did something I don't normally do -- I jumped on my home scale prior to my Weight Watchers meeting.  I just had to know if I landed in Onederland.

Oh, what a beautiful sight! I was so excited this morning that I did something I don’t normally do — I jumped on my home scale before my Weight Watchers meeting. I just had to know if I landed in Onederland.

Since July I’ve set my sites on Onederland – that wonderful mythical place that all of us fatties dream about. I haven’t seen Onederland for nearly 25 years.

Today felt like Christmas. I woke up excited and I couldn’t wait for my Weight Watchers meeting. I don’t use my home scale that often, but this morning I couldn’t help myself. And sure enough, I finally reached the promise land – “Under 200 lbs.”

I ran down stairs and told my husband, who gave me a big hug and wisely told me to get to my meeting and lock it in before I drink or eat anything. Smart man.

Celebrate Success, But Don’t Lose Site Of The Ultimate Goal
When I stepped on the home scale this morning and saw the 198.5, I ran for my iPhone, got back on the scale and took a picture before leaping for joy. Imagine my surprise when I got to Weight Watchers and saw I was really at 198.2 lbs. — that extra trip to the bathroom helped a lot! Read More