Finding The Foods Triggering My Husband’s IBS


My hubby has some serious digestive issues and we’re getting to the bottom of it (no pun intended), with an elimination diet. Image courtesy of and dream designs.

Although eating low carb has provided much relief to my husband’s Irritable Bowel Syndrome – D, he’s decided to go on an elimination diet to discover which foods and beverages are causing the trouble.

So last week we start taking away specific foods he typically consumes that might over stimulate his gut – coffee, caffeine, alcohol, broccoli, cauliflower, onions and dairy.

His money is on coffee as the main culprit. My honey does have a java monkey on his back. I’ve notice him drinking four 12-ounce cups when he’s home (2 in the morning, 2 in the afternoon). At work? Who knows for sure, although he’s pegged his total daily consumption at 20 cups. Read More

Want To Lose Weight? Take Control Of The Fridge

While in Texas, my hubby actually ate what I prepared for him - and then some - rather than eat out.

While in Texas, my hubby actually ate what I prepared for him – and then some – and not eat out.

Weight Watchers stresses taking charge of your environment – removing foods that get in the way of weight loss and replacing them with healthy options.

I took this advice to heart. It’s hard to make smart choices if I have a pantry loaded with cookies. Once I decided to go low carb, my refrigerator and pantry felt my wrath. You won’t find any of my trigger foods. No sweets, crackers, pastas or breads. I trashed anything that tempted me.

By taking charge of my fridge I was in control, not the food.

While flying home on Sunday, I admit I worried what my kitchen would look like when I got back. My husband was alone for one week. It isn’t uncommon for him to add some of his favorite food groups – namely pies and cookies – to my kitchen space.

Before I left, I stocked up on protein and veggies and instructed him to eat only what’s in the fridge. However, I knew that listening isn’t one of his strengths. When I got home Sunday, I fully expected to find soft, furry vegetables and lots of high-carb treats. Boy was I wrong. He ate what I stocked up on and then some.

He did me proud.

Controlling my space! Food prepping helps me in making healthy choices.

Controlling my space! Food prepping helps me in making healthy choices.

Come Monday morning I took charge of my kitchen again. After grocery shopping, I spent the day chopping up lots of veggies.

Looking at my fridge now, all the healthy foods are within sight and quick to dish out.

Later tonight we’ll fire up the grill. So this afternoon, I’ll prep chicken, pork and beef with rubs and marinades.

My fridge now. Tonight, we grill all on the 3rd shelf! Healthy choices have never been so easy!

My fridge now. Healthy choices have never been so easy!

Another advantage that comes with controlling my space? The prep time for meals is less than 5 minutes.
