Weekly Weigh In: Up 2.5 Pounds

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Thanks to water weight and too much eating out, I'm up 2.5 pounds. Time to start making my own healthy meals.

Thanks to water weight and too much eating out, I’m up 2.5 pounds. Time to start making my own healthy meals.

Last week I tacked up a bit with a 2.5 pound gain. Some of that is water weight thanks to tough upper body workout. But I think most of the gain came from eating out too much last week.

On 5 different occasions I ate out for either lunch or dinner. Sure I opted for the healthy option, but unless I’m making the food myself, I never really have a good handle on the carb count and points value. The best I can do is estimate.

Also when you eat out you tend to eat about 35% more food. All that lively conversation, big portions and the ambiance helps you to lose track of how much you ate and ignore the signs you’re full.

So this week I’m back to eating in. I’m spending the bulk of the day making food – chicken wings and quarters, pulled pork, a new low carb BBQ sauce I’m testing, and meatballs. All carb and point friendly.

If I stick to eating what I cook this week, those pounds will be gone by Saturday.

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