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Weekly Weigh-In: Stubborn Scale, Loose Clothes

Sure my weight’s the same for 3 weeks running. But my waist continues its downward trend.

For the third week my weight is exactly the same while an item of clothing — my running belt — is definitely looser than normal. How loose? While running on Saturday I noticed I had to keep adjusting it. First the belt started falling, so I quickly pulled it up. After a 1/4 mile, I noticed it about 1 inch higher than where I pulled it. About a 1/2 mile later when I went to adjust the volume on my phone, I noticed that my phone was no longer in front of me…it was on my back.


Before yesterday’s walk, I adjusted the buckle to tighten the belt to prevent my phone from floating around my body. Turns out the next time this happens, I’ll need a new belt. Yep, the belt is officially at its smallest size.  Double sweet!

Sooner or later the scale will follow my shrinking waistline.

For now, it’s time for another run.

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