My Food Scale “Is No More. It Has Ceased To Be.”

My little food scale finally died on me today after nearly 4 years together.

My little food scale – one of the most important tools in my weight loss efforts — finally died on me today after nearly 4 years together.

Sad news this afternoon. My trusty food scale weighed its last grams of kale. After trying three 3 different batteries, I’ve finally accepted that my food scale is no more.

Out of all my kitchen tools, gadgets and appliances, the only two I’ve used more than my food scale these last 3-1/2 years are the refrigerator and stove.

That’s just how I roll.

I picked up that little Weight Watcher’s scale at the start of my journey in 2012. Too bad it couldn’t make these last 20 or so pounds.

Tossing it in the trash seems like a dishonor. After all we’ve been through a lot these last few years. Perhaps a viking funeral is in order. That’s certainly better than this (NSFW).  Actually, the Pythons have the best send off:

Weekly Weigh-In: Fat Loss Continues; Down 1.4 Lbs.

I ended February on a high note, losing 1.4 pounds. For the first time this year I feel like I'm mentally in the weight loss game.

I ended February on a high note, losing 1.4 pounds. For the first time this year I feel like I’m mentally in the weight loss game.

I end February strong. Not only did I lose 1.4 lbs. this week, but my intermittent fast is going great. As of January I’m down 5.8 lbs. which brings my total weight loss to 133 pounds. My weight loss may be off to a slower start than expected this year, but I finally feel as if I’m once again firing on all cylinders.

I’m tracking and measuring everything. My daily activity is high. I just need to remember to wear that blasted Fitbit to track my steps.

Each Saturday, I refrain from eating and drinking anything until after my Weight Watchers weigh-in and meeting. This week I worried a little, because water and coffee are the only things I can consume until noon, due to the semi-fast I’m now doing. Despite the lack of liquids, my stomach didn’t make a peep during the meeting. No hunger pains after, and no growling. Just a general feeling of awesomeness. Read More

Weekly Weigh-in: Close To Losing 40%

I'm down nearly a pound this week. Thanks to my Thanksgiving menu, I've extended my stay in Onederland...and I have no intention of ever leaving!

I’m down nearly a pound this week. Thanks to my Thanksgiving menu, I’ve extended my stay in Onederland…and I have no intention of ever leaving!

I’m late in posting my latest weigh in results. I’ve had a lot more errands that needed to get done, like that special 2-hour trip to the DMV. The news is good on the weight loss front: I’m down about a pound…actually 0.8 lbs.

Funny thing, I was nervous stepping on to the scale this Saturday. I’d miss my last two Weight Watcher meetings – one because of a horrible traffic jam and the other due to post-Thanksgiving duties. I had no clue if I did well on Turkey Day or not.

I know I always talk about not fearing the scale. But it is amazing how that fear kicks in when your confidence is napping. Turns out the fear was silly (as is usually the case when stepping on the scale). I’ve extended my lease in Onederland. Now it’s time to buckle down and go for those squatter rights.

At 197.2 lbs., just 2.2 pounds more and I’ll have lost 40% of my total weight when this little journey started. Woo hoo!


Weekly Weigh-In: Dot In Onederland

Oh, what a beautiful sight! I was so excited this morning that I did something I don't normally do -- I jumped on my home scale prior to my Weight Watchers meeting.  I just had to know if I landed in Onederland.

Oh, what a beautiful sight! I was so excited this morning that I did something I don’t normally do — I jumped on my home scale before my Weight Watchers meeting. I just had to know if I landed in Onederland.

Since July I’ve set my sites on Onederland – that wonderful mythical place that all of us fatties dream about. I haven’t seen Onederland for nearly 25 years.

Today felt like Christmas. I woke up excited and I couldn’t wait for my Weight Watchers meeting. I don’t use my home scale that often, but this morning I couldn’t help myself. And sure enough, I finally reached the promise land – “Under 200 lbs.”

I ran down stairs and told my husband, who gave me a big hug and wisely told me to get to my meeting and lock it in before I drink or eat anything. Smart man.

Celebrate Success, But Don’t Lose Site Of The Ultimate Goal
When I stepped on the home scale this morning and saw the 198.5, I ran for my iPhone, got back on the scale and took a picture before leaping for joy. Imagine my surprise when I got to Weight Watchers and saw I was really at 198.2 lbs. — that extra trip to the bathroom helped a lot! Read More

Weekly Weigh-In: Down 6.4 Pounds!

I dropped 6.4 lbs. this week. Another week like this and I'll finally drop below 200.

I dropped 6.4 lbs. this week. Another week like this and I’ll finally drop below 200.

Hot damn! I’ve pretty much dropped all my weight gain from my trip to Texas. I was hoping for a 2 pound loss and ended up dropping 6.4 lbs. Sweet!

My secret? Tracking. Not exciting, I know. But truth is when I track, I lose weight. Funny how that works.

So my total weight loss is now 120 lbs. That’s 24 5-pound gold stars to my Weight Watcher peeps. Read More

Weekly Weigh-In: Down Nearly 2 Lbs!

Just a little more than 7 pounds to go before I finally leave the 200 club! I'm going to try to do it by the end of August.

Just a little more than 7 pounds to go before I finally leave the 200 club! I’m going to try to do it by the end of August.

Another solid weigh in this weekend. I lost 1.8 pounds, bringing my total weight loss to 117.4 pounds. I’m so close to leaving the 200 club…maybe by the end of August. That would be sweet!

After two consecutive weeks of big weight loss, I expected my losses to slow down. Safe weight loss is anything up to 2 pounds a week. So technically I’m still at the high-end, but that’s fine with me. Considering the last few months, this is just my body’s way of saying, “Sorry for that plateau.”

Bragging Rights
Oh, during this morning Weight Watchers meeting I mentioned I lost 9.5 inches since March. I got a lot of applause and my meeting leader asked if I could bring my before photo to next week’s meeting so folks get a visual of how my body’s changed. Since I just posted a new Before & After pic to the blog this week, I just pulled that up on my phone.

I got a lot of oohs and aahs from the peanut gallery.

Yes, I feel awesome, but it’s no time to get cocky. Time to double down and get out of the 200s once and for all!


Weekly Weigh-In: Down Another 5 lbs!

Another great week puts me closer to another weight loss milestone -- weighing less than 200 pounds!

Another great week puts me closer to another weight loss milestone — weighing less than 200 pounds!

I feel awesome this week. Finally my weight loss is back on track. For the 2nd week in a row, I’ve lost weight. I expected to drop a couple of pounds. Imagine my surprise when the lady at Weight Watchers told me I was down 5.6 pounds!

That’s more than 10 pounds in two weeks. Sweet!

I finally dropped below 210 and I can’t wait to say goodbye to the 200s.

I need to keep up with my healthy routines — tracking food, sticking to 20g of carbs/day and continue using my Fitbit One to get my butt in gear.

I’m excited my weight is going in the right direction. But I can’t get cocky. Gone are the days when I told myself, “I’ve got this.” To keep this ball rolling my new mantra comes from none other than Han Solo:

Weekly Weigh-In: I’m Down 5 Pounds

Feeling optimistic that my motivation is back. I'm down 5 lbs. this week. Next week's weigh in is the real test.

Feeling optimistic that my motivation is back. I’m down 5 lbs. this week. Next week’s weigh in is the real test.

I won’t say I got my weight loss back on track just yet. I’ve had my share of 5+ lbs. losses in a week only to find I’m up 6 lbs. the next. I need to see some consistency, so next week’s weigh is more important. In my mind I need to go below 210 before I start thinking I’ve righted this ship.

But I will say I’ve seen a noticeable difference in my attitude and motivation. I’m feeling confident again.

Nonetheless I’m still celebrating the loss. Five pounds in a week is big. It’s only fitting that I celebrate with a 1.63-mile interval run and a 4-mile walk. If I do well at my next Weight Watchers meeting, I’ll celebrate with a mani and pedi (after a 2 mile run of course). Read More

Weekly Weigh-In: Down 1.2 Lbs

After getting my eating back on track, I lost 1.2 pounds this week. Only 18.8 more pounds to go to finally hit the 200 mark!

After getting my eating back on track, I lost 1.2 pounds this week. Only 18.8 more pounds to go to finally hit the 200 mark!

Finally the scale is going in the right direction. I dropped 1.2 pounds. For some that may not seem like a lot, but that equals 4 sticks of butter. I’ll take that!

I know it’s only been a week, but I feel like I’m finally back on track. I closely followed my 5-step plan of attack. No wine or cheat meals this week. I stayed true to my weekly menu plan and made sure to go to my Weight Watchers meeting this morning.

As a result, my  diet and sleep were in sync this week. I stuck to 20-25g of carbs per day and I got in roughly 8 hours of sleep each night. My clothes felt looser, I had more energy and didn’t feel bloated after meals.

I just need to keep up this momentum and the 1.2 pound loss certainly gives me the boost to do just that. Read More

Simple Start Lentil & Black Bean Chili Recipe

Yum! I love chili and this easy to make Simple Start recipe hit the spot this week.

Yum! I love chili and this easy to make Simple Start recipe hit the spot this week.

I picked up this Simple Start chili recipe at my Weight Watchers meeting. I’ve stayed away from lentils and beans because of the higher carb count, but I do love them.  Since I’m doing Simple Start this week, I decided to give this Lentil and Black Bean Chili recipe a try.

It is easy to make, delicious, filling and very high in carbs – 47g per serving.  The recipe calls for 1-½ cups of dry French lentils. I used the lentils I had in my pantry and that ended up making 6 cups of cooked lentils. That seemed like a lot to me so I used 2 cups of cooked lentils, and the carb count dropped to 37g. The ingredients below still call for the 1-1/2 cups of dry french lentils. I’m not sure how many cups of cooked lentils that makes.  If you are watching your carb intake, I recommend adjusting accordingly.

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