Weekly Weigh-In: Down Nearly 2 Lbs!

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Just a little more than 7 pounds to go before I finally leave the 200 club! I'm going to try to do it by the end of August.

Just a little more than 7 pounds to go before I finally leave the 200 club! I’m going to try to do it by the end of August.

Another solid weigh in this weekend. I lost 1.8 pounds, bringing my total weight loss to 117.4 pounds. I’m so close to leaving the 200 club…maybe by the end of August. That would be sweet!

After two consecutive weeks of big weight loss, I expected my losses to slow down. Safe weight loss is anything up to 2 pounds a week. So technically I’m still at the high-end, but that’s fine with me. Considering the last few months, this is just my body’s way of saying, “Sorry for that plateau.”

Bragging Rights
Oh, during this morning Weight Watchers meeting I mentioned I lost 9.5 inches since March. I got a lot of applause and my meeting leader asked if I could bring my before photo to next week’s meeting so folks get a visual of how my body’s changed. Since I just posted a new Before & After pic to the blog this week, I just pulled that up on my phone.

I got a lot of oohs and aahs from the peanut gallery.

Yes, I feel awesome, but it’s no time to get cocky. Time to double down and get out of the 200s once and for all!


5 thoughts on “Weekly Weigh-In: Down Nearly 2 Lbs!

  1. Why are you doing WW with low-carb? I tried that for a hot second because my office was already doing WW but it felt like WW was expressly against low-carb high-fat. Anything higher in fat gets ‘dinged’ with a higher points value and plus all the fats that I consider good and healthy (like butter, coconut oil, bacon fat, full-fat dairy) are on the ‘bad’ list. Do you follow more of the Simply Filling method? I could see that working if you modified some of the rules (like which fats are good). Otherwise I think you’d be eating low-carb AND low-fat and be hungry!

    • Thanks for the great question. Yes, it is possible to do WW and eat low carb. WW does “ding” foods higher in saturated fat with a higher point value. That doesn’t mean I don’t eat those foods. I just choose to put my points towards those foods that satisfy me longer. By going LC/HF I actually eat less food than when I was eating LF/HC. So putting my points towards fats and protein isn’t a problem for me. Do I tap into my 49 weekly points. Yep and I’m losing weight. For the last 2 years I haven’t done any low fat. But the points system isn’t the only reason I’m doing WW. I’ll do a separate post on why I’m with WW in the coming days.

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